Port of registry | port of registration | home port

port of registry


1. Synonyms, etymology, translation, definition, examples and notes

1.1.  Subject field:

  1. Fishing.    (Hierarchy:
  2. Fisheries
  3. >
  4. Fishing
  5. )
  1. Marine navigation.    (Hierarchy:
  2. Fisheries
  3. >
  4. Aquatic navigation
  5. >
  6. Marine navigation
  7. )

1.2.  IPA transcription and prononciation for port of registry, port of registration and home port:

Port of registry: /pɔːt əv ˈreʤɪstrɪ/

1.3.  Synonyms of port of registry:

There are 2 international synonyms for port of registry. These include:
ngrams is unavailable at the moment port of registry, port of registration,  home port - Google ngram extract

Graph 1 : port of registry, port of registration, home port - Google ngram extract ( graph of term etymology and evolution. Source: Google ngram )

1.4.  French translation of port of registry, port of registration and home port:

Port of registry can be translated into French as:
  1. port d'immatriculation
  2. Port d'attache
  3. port d'enregistrement
  4. port d'armement

1.5.  Definition of port of registry in fisheries:

Image: Definition of port of registry
Port of registry, also known as port of registration, or home port, is defined as: the port at which the details of a ship or boat are officially recorded.

1.6.  Plural of port of registry:

Ports of registry; ;

1.7.  Usage example of port of registry:

An official number, the registered tonnage, the name of the ship, and the port of registry must be marked on the vessel.

1.8.  Notes on port of registry

In some countries (e.g. The United States) you can register a ship to landlocked towns while other countries specify the city you must register the vessel in. The port of registry determines the rules that vessel must abide by, beyond international agreements. Most of all, it determines the amount of taxation applied to the vessel, owner, and operator for numerous items.

Fishery terminology records for Port of registry


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