Dam liner | pond liner | geomembrane liner | tarpaulin liner
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2024-03-05 00:00:00
1. Synonyms, etymology, translation, definition, examples and notes
1.2.  IPA transcription and prononciation for dam liner, pond liner, geomembrane liner and tarpaulin liner:
- Dam liner: /dæm ˈlaɪnə/;
- pond liner: /pɒnd ˈlaɪnə/;
- Geomembrane liner: / ˈʤɪɒmɛm.bɹeɪn ˈlaɪnə/ ;
- Tarpaulin Liner: /tɑːˈpɔːlɪn ˈlaɪnə/;
- geomembrane: / ˈʤɪɒmɛm.bɹeɪn/.
1.3.  Synonyms of dam liner:
There are 3 international synonyms for dam liner. These include:
Graph 1 : dam liner, pond liner, geomembrane liner, tarpaulin liner - Google ngram extract ( graph of term etymology and evolution. Source: Google ngram )
1.4.  Etymology of dam liner, pond liner, geomembrane liner and tarpaulin liner:
"Dam liner", "pond liner", and "tarpaulin Liner", "geomembrane liner", or simply " geomembrane", are all synonyms for this concept, and they all originated during the 20th century. The latest of all being "geomembrane liner".
The term "geomembrane liner" was formed from two root words: liner + pond. This compound word originated in the late 19th century. One early book mentioning " pond liner " was published in 1892. They are respectively:
The Tribune Almanac and Political Register for 1880 published in 1892. Used in page 356, in the excerpt : "... pond liner illustrations, and a-_ greater with regard to - the Fashions…"
The term "geomembrane liner " was formed from two root words: liner + geomembrane. This compound word originated in the early 20th century. One early book mentioning "geomembrane liner" was published in 1936. It is:
Oklahoma Statutes Annotated published in 1936. Used in page 569, in the excerpt : "... geomembrane liner or other liner constructed of syn- thetic materials in any retention structure containing liquid animal waste …"
1.5.  French translation of dam liner, pond liner, geomembrane liner and tarpaulin liner:
Dam liner can be translated into French as:1.6.  Definition of dam liner in fisheries:
1.7.  Plural of dam liner:
Pond liners; Dam liners; Geomembrane liners; Tarpaulin Liners; geomembranes;
Fishery terminology records for Dam liner