Pier | landing stage | landing | dock | jetty
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2023-03-14 00:00:00
1. Synonyms, etymology, translation, definition, examples and notes
1.1.  Subject field:
- Marine navigation.    (Hierarchy:
- Fisheries >
- Aquatic navigation >
- Marine navigation )
- River navigation.    (Hierarchy:
- Fisheries >
- Aquatic navigation >
- River navigation )
1.2.  IPA transcription and prononciation for pier, landing stage, landing, dock and jetty:
Jetty BrE /ˈdʒeti/ NAmE /ˈdʒeti/ ; pier: /pɪə/ ; dock: / dɒk/ ; landing stage: /ˈlændɪŋ steɪʤ/1.3.  Synonyms of pier:
There are 4 international synonyms for pier. These include:
Graph 1 : pier, landing stage, landing, dock, jetty - Google ngram extract ( graph of term etymology and evolution. Source: Google ngram )
1.4.  Etymology of pier, landing stage, landing, dock and jetty:
- pier: Middle English: from medieval Latin pera, of unknown origin; - landing stage: landing + stage; - jetty: late Middle English: from Old French jetee, feminine past participle of jeter ‘to throw’, based on Latin jactare, frequentative of jacere ‘to throw’;1.5.  French translation of pier, landing stage, landing, dock and jetty:
Pier can be translated into French as:1.6.  Definition of pier in fisheries:
1.7.  Plural of pier:
Piers; Landing stages; Landings; Docks; Jetties;
Fishery terminology records for Pier