Dike | dyke | embankment - meaning and illustration



1. Synonyms, etymology, translation, definition, examples and notes

1.1.  Subject field:

  1. Aquaculture.    (Hierarchy:
  2. Fisheries
  3. >
  4. Aquaculture
  5. )
  1. Fisheries engineering.    (Hierarchy:
  2. Fisheries
  3. >
  4. Fisheries engineering
  5. )

1.2.  IPA transcription and prononciation for dike, dyke and embankment:


1.3.  Synonyms of dike:

There are 2 international synonyms for dike. These include:
ngrams is unavailable at the moment dike, dyke, embankment - Google ngram extract

Graph 1 : dike, dyke, embankment - Google ngram extract ( graph of term etymology and evolution. Source: Google ngram )

1.4.  Etymology of dike, dyke and embankment:

Middle English (denoting a trench or ditch): from Old Norse dík, related to ditch, has been influenced by Middle Low German dīk ‘dam’ and Middle Dutch dijc ‘ditch, dam’.

1.5.  French translation of dike, dyke and embankment:

Dike can be translated into French as:
  1. digue

1.6.  Definition of dike in fisheries:

Image: Definition of dike
Dike, also known as dyke, or embankment, is defined as: a wall or slope made of earth or stone that rises up from either side of a built fisheries structure (usually a pond) to keep water back or prevent floods.

1.7.  Plural of dike:


1.8.  Usage example of dike:

Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations, Chapter III, article 127, paragraph f: 'the construction of dams, embankments, large channels or port facilities without the prior approval of fisheries services.'

Fishery terminology records for Dike


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