Sub-marine fishing | submarine fishing | underwater fishing | spearfishing | deep-sea fishing | spear fishing | spearfishing | underwater hunting | dive fishing

Sub-marine fishing


1. Synonyms, etymology, translation, definition, examples and notes

1.1.  Subject field:

  1. Fishing.    (Hierarchy:
  2. Fisheries
  3. >
  4. Fishing
  5. )

1.2.  IPA transcription and prononciation for sub-marine fishing:

Sub-marine fishing: /sʌb məˈriːn ˈfɪʃɪŋ/; Deep-sea fishing /ˈdiːpˌsiː ˈfɪʃɪŋ/

1.3.  Synonyms of sub-marine fishing:

There are 8 international synonyms for sub-marine fishing. These include:
ngrams is unavailable at the moment sub-marine fishing, submarine fishing, underwater fishing, spearfishing, deep-sea fishing, spear fishing, spearfishing, underwater hunting, dive fishing - Google ngram extract

Graph 1 : sub-marine fishing, submarine fishing, underwater fishing, spearfishing, deep-sea fishing, spear fishing, spearfishing, underwater hunting, dive fishing - Google ngram extract ( graph of term etymology and evolution. Source: Google ngram )

1.4.  French translation of sub-marine fishing:

Sub-marine fishing can be translated into French as:
  1. pêche sous-marine
  2. Pêche en haute mer
  3. Pêche hauturière
  4. Pêche en eau profonde
  5. Pêche au gros
  6. Pêche sous-marine
  7. Pêche profonde
  8. Pêche en eaux profondes

1.5.  Definition of sub-marine fishing in fisheries:

Image: Definition of sub-marine fishing
Sub-marine fishing, also known as submarine fishing, underwater fishing, spearfishing, deep-sea fishing, spear fishing, spearfishing, underwater hunting, or dive fishing, is defined as: the activity of catching fish that live in the deep parts of the sea; That which takes place at great depths. (up to 2,000 metres) and is often practised across jurisdictions.

Fishery terminology records for Sub-marine fishing


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