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FISHTERM's fisheries quiz:
level 1

Question 1:

A vessel carrying the flag officer or the commander of a fleet, squadron, or the like, and displaying the officer's flag. · the main vessel of a shipping company.

A. Minimum marketable size
B. Generalised Linear Model
C. Flag vessel
D. Fish processing

Question 2:

A marine bivalve mollusc of the family Pectinidae which is found in all of the world’s oceans.

A. Raising
B. Scallop
C. Crayfish
D. Asymptotic Length (L)

Question 3:

Line along the coast of a coastal State as marked on large-scale charts officially recognised by the coastal State which acts as the starting point for measuring the breadth of the sea around a coastal state.

A. Baseline
B. Fish storage and sale establishment
C. Archipelagic baseline
D. Wharf

Question 4:

The age when fish are considered to be recruited to the fishery.

A. Deckhand
B. F0.1
C. Mesh size
D. Age of recruitment

Question 5:

Refers to the ability of a stock to recover from overfishing once fishing mortality rates are lowered.

A. Resilience
B. Baiting
C. Management strategy
D. Age of recruitment