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1. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 1:
" This law and the implementing instruments thereof lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations with a view to attaining the general objectives of the forestry; wildlife and fisheries policy, within the framework of an integrated management ensuring sustainable conservation and use of the said resources and of the various ecosystems.
2. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 8, paragraph 1:
" Within the context of this law, logging or customary right means the right which is recognized as being that of the local population to harvest ail forest, wildlife and fisheries products freely for their
personal use, except the protected species.
3. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 8, paragraph 2:
" The Ministers in charge of forestry, wildlife and fisheries may, because of public interest, and in consultation with the populations concerned, temporarily or permanently suspend the exercise of logging rights, when necessary. Such suspension shall be done in consonance with the general regulations on expropriation by reason of public interest.
4. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 9, paragraph 1:
" Within the context of this law, forest products shall comprise mainly wood and non- wood products as well as wildlife and fishery resources derived from the forest.
5. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 10, paragraph 1:
" The services in charge of forestry, wildlife and fisheries shall, as the case may be, issue recovery notices for duties and taxes in forestry, wildlife and fishery resources.
6. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 10, paragraph 3:
" Forestry, wildlife and fisheries officials shall receive allowances in respect of the operations referred to in subsection 1 of this section under conditions laid down by decree.
7. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 11:
" The State shall ensure the protection of the forestry, wildlife and fishery heritage;
8. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 13:
" The conditions for the importation and exportation of any forest genetic material, wildlife or live fish resources
shall be laid down by statutory instruments.
9. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 17, paragraph 1:
" If the creation or maintenance of a permanent forest cover is considered necessary for soil preservation, protection of the banks of a stream or of a river, regulating water flow or preserving biodiversity, the surrounding land may either be declared out of bounds or as an ecologically fragile area, or classified as protected State forest, full nature reserve, or wildlife sanctuary as the case may be, under conditions laid down by decree.
10. Law No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations in Cameroon, article 17, paragraph 4:
" (4) The services in charge of forestry, wildlife and fisheries may, in order to preserve the diversity of the biological resources, initial or participate in setting up ex situ unit such as genetic resources banks, botanical and zoological gardens, arboreal, seed orchards or nurseries.
(5) To this end, the services concerned shall fix the conditions for taxing, treating, preserving and multiplying genes and specimens taken from the natural environment.
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