Category: Uncategorized
Classification of Major Types of Fishing under 8 Popular Categories
CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAJOR TYPES OF FISHING UNDER 6 MAJOR CATEGORIES If you are here, it is probably because you intend to know about all the major types of fishing that exist. Based on intensive research, I have assembled all you need to know about types of fishing, and have presented these types, as…
9 Key Differences between Artisanal Fishery, Semi-industrial Fishery and Industrial Fishery
Artisanal fishery vs Semi-industrial fishery vs Industrial fishery There are several types of fisheries, with many differences and similarities between them. A fishery may be divided into artisanal, semi-industrial and industrial fisheries based on the gross registered tonnage, engine power or the type of gear used, impact on the aquatic environment, size of their catches, amount…
Key Characteristics and 7 Important Differences between Inland Fishery and Marine Fishery: Inland Fishery vs Marine Fishery
When asked about the differences between inland fishery and marine fishery, most people are likely to say: “Inland fishery is fishery in freshwater and brackish water whereas marine fishery is fishery in seawater.” However, there are lots of note-worthy differences that will broaden your understanding of where these two concepts converge and where they diverge.…
Comment la forme de l’étang affecte-t-elle votre production piscicole ?
Comment la forme de l’étang affecte votre production aquacole Un étang à poissons peut être construit sous différentes formes en fonction de la topographie et de l’espace disponible pour la construction de l’étang. En fonction de la topographie du site, vous pouvez décider de la forme d’étang à adopter dans certaines zones. Un étang à…
Elementary Holiday Music Lessons for Kids in Yaounde
Music Lessons for Kids Who we are: At Our School, we strongly believe music education plays an important role in developing young minds. That is why we offer our students piano lessons as an extracurricular activity. Our music programme is designed for beginners (dummies). Our experienced music teachers will guide and inspire your child as…
Exclusive fisheries dictionary video guide
Exclusive fisheries dictionary video guide on how to use fisheries dictionary application Video Content: The above video will guide you on how to use Fishterm’s android fisheries dictionary application with much ease. For detailed textual guide, kindly follow this post on how to use the fisheries dictionary android app. Please if you have any…
Industrial Fishing Vessel Inspection Certificate in Cameroon
OBTAINING AN INSPECTION CERTIFICATE FOR INDUSTRIAL FISHING VESSELS IN CAMEROON An Industrial Fishing Vessel Inspection Certificate is an authorisation issued by the Minister in charge of fishing to vessel owners aspiring to register their vessel(s) under a country’s flag, attesting that vessel’s technical specifications are compliant with the fishing laws in force and thus, is…
Renouvellement d’une licence de pêche industrielle au Cameroun
Renouvellement d’une licence de pêche industrielle au Cameroun Afin de réglementer et de formaliser les activités de pêche le long de la côte camerounaise, des centaines de licences de pêche industrielle sont délivrées chaque année par le ministère camerounais de l’élevage, des pêches et des industries animales (MINEPIA) aux pêcheurs industriels. Pêcher sans licence de…
Obtention de l’agrément à la pêche industrielle au Cameroun
Obtention de l’agrément à la pêche industrielle au Cameroun L’obtention d’un agrément pour la pêche industrielle est l’une des étapes primordiales à franchir si vous avez l’intention d’investir dans le domaine de la pêche industrielle au Cameroun. Il est clair que le Cameroun dispose d’une ressource halieutique abondante répartie dans ses nombreuses eaux intérieures…
How to Use the Fisheries Dictionary App Features
How to use FISHTERM’s fisheries dictionary features 1. Voice search Search fisheries terms in both languages by just saying the word without wasting time to type-in long words. To use this feature, it is worth noting that you need to have an internet connection since the feature is powered by Google voice…