Category: Fishery Types
The 6 Major Subsectors and Branches of Fishery You Must Clearly
In this write-up, we are going to be expounding on branches of fishery. The term ‘fishery’ as we saw in the different meanings of the word fishery, the more than 6 different meanings of fishery. Overview of the origin of the 6 major fishery subsectors In ancient times, Fishery mostly meant capture fishery (also known as…
Classification of All 16 Types of Fisheries on the Basis of 7 Major Criteria
CLASSIFICATION OF ALL 16 TYPES OF FISHERIES BASED ON 7 MAJOR CRITERIA If you are here, it is probably because you intend to know about all the major types of fisheries that exist. Based on intensive research, I have assembled all you need to know about types of fisheries, and have presented these types,…