Author: EDF
Permis de Pêche Semi-industrielle au Cameroun : 4 Choses Importantes
OBTENTION D’UN PERMIS DE PÊCHE SEMI-INDUSTRIELLE (PERMIS A) AU CAMEROUN Parmi les autorisations de pêche délivrées par le ministère camerounais de l’élevage, de la pêche et des industries animales (MINEPIA), figure un permis de pêche semi-industrielle (permis A). Il s’agit, conformément à la loi sur la pêche de 1994, d’un permis de pêche…
Semi-industrial Fishing Permit in Cameroon: key facts
OBTAINING A SEMI-INDUSTRIAL FISHING PERMIT (PERMIT A) IN CAMEROON Among the fishing authorisations issued by Cameroon’s Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA), is a semi-industrial fishing permit (permit A). Semi-industrial Fishing Permit is, pursuant to the 1994 Fisheries Law, a category A fishing permit granting the right to fish on Cameroon’s open sea…
Industrial Fishing Vessel Inspection Certificate in Cameroon
OBTAINING AN INSPECTION CERTIFICATE FOR INDUSTRIAL FISHING VESSELS IN CAMEROON An Industrial Fishing Vessel Inspection Certificate is an authorisation issued by the Minister in charge of fishing to vessel owners aspiring to register their vessel(s) under a country’s flag, attesting that vessel’s technical specifications are compliant with the fishing laws in force and thus, is…
Renouvellement d’une licence de pêche industrielle au Cameroun
Renouvellement d’une licence de pêche industrielle au Cameroun Afin de réglementer et de formaliser les activités de pêche le long de la côte camerounaise, des centaines de licences de pêche industrielle sont délivrées chaque année par le ministère camerounais de l’élevage, des pêches et des industries animales (MINEPIA) aux pêcheurs industriels. Pêcher sans licence de…
Obtention d’une licence de pêche industrielle au Cameroun
Obtention d’une licence de pêche industrielle au Cameroun De nombreux pêcheurs industriels souhaitent pratiquer la pêche sans être confrontés à des arrestations récurrentes et à des saisies de captures en raison de l’absence de licence de pêche. La licence de pêche industrielle concerne les personnes physiques et morales, quelle que soit leur nationalité. Des centaines…
Best Procedure for Renewing an Industrial Fishing Licence in Cameroon: 8 essential application file components
Renewing an Industrial Fishing Licence in Cameroon Renewing an Industrial Fishing Licence: In a bid to regulate and formalise fishing activities along the Cameroon coast, hundreds of industrial fishing licences are issued every year by Cameroon’s Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA), to industrial fishermen. Fishing without a fishing licence or…
Obtaining an Industrial Fishing Licence in Cameroon
Obtaining an Industrial Fishing Licence in Cameroon Many industrial anglers will like to carry out fishing without facing recurrent arrests and catch seizures due to lack of a fishing licence. Industrial Fishing Licence concerns both human and juridical persons irrespective of their nationalities. Hundreds of fishermen are fishing in Cameroons marine waters, most of…
Obtaining Approval for Industrial Fishing in Cameroon
Obtaining Approval for Industrial Fishing in Cameroon Obtaining an approval for industrial fishing is one of the primordial steps to take if you intend to invest in the field of industrial fishing in Cameroon. It is crystal clear, that Cameroon has a bountiful fisheries resource spread across its numerous inland waters and a wide marine…
Obtention de l’agrément à la pêche industrielle au Cameroun
Obtention de l’agrément à la pêche industrielle au Cameroun L’obtention d’un agrément pour la pêche industrielle est l’une des étapes primordiales à franchir si vous avez l’intention d’investir dans le domaine de la pêche industrielle au Cameroun. Il est clair que le Cameroun dispose d’une ressource halieutique abondante répartie dans ses nombreuses eaux intérieures…
How to Use the Fisheries Dictionary App Features
How to use FISHTERM’s fisheries dictionary features 1. Voice search Search fisheries terms in both languages by just saying the word without wasting time to type-in long words. To use this feature, it is worth noting that you need to have an internet connection since the feature is powered by Google voice…