Everything About Fisheries Terminology

Our Fisheries Terminology Portal

We offer a wide range of terminology products on our term portal, cutting across fisheries subsectors like aquaculture, fishing, fisheries management, etc.

Visit out term portal

Our Fisheries Dictionaries

FISHTERM is an educational institution which deals with fisheries terminology. Some of its terminology products include fisheries terminology records, bilingual fisheries glossaries, bilingual fisheries lexicon, bilingual fisheries quizzes, etc. We are happy to announce to you the roll-out of our offline fisheries dictionary app for android device.

Dictionaire des Pêches Dictionaire des Pêches

Dictionaire des Pêches is an offline French fisheries dictionary designed by FISHTERM to provide fisheries stakeholders with fisheries terminology resource in a French user interface. It equally has all the major features of a dictionary application, like term history, word of the day, bookmarks, share, text copying, text to speech, and much more.

Download Dictionnaire des Pêches

FISHTERM offline fisheries dictionary FISHTERM offline fisheries dictionary

FISHTERM Fisheries Dictionary -EN is an offline English fisheries dictionary designed by FISHTERM to provide fisheries stakeholders with fisheries terminology resource in an English user interface. It has all the major major features of a dictionary application, like term history, bookmarks, share, text copying, text to speech, and much more.

Download English Fisheries Dictionary

FISHTERM's Offline Bilingual Fisheries Dictionary FISHTERM’s Offline Bilingual Fisheries Dictionary

The French – English Fisheries Dictionary is an offline bilingual fisheries dictionary designed by FISHTERM to provide fisheries stakeholders with fisheries terminology resources in both French and English user interfaces.

Download French – English Fisheries Dictionary

Our Feed Formulation Application : EDformulator

EDformulator is an all in one formulation android app with easy user interface yet powerful formulation functionalities…

Download app FISHTERM In-built office

About our company

No tool is more powerful than language in communication. We emphasize on the right fisheries terminology…

Read more about us


We have come a long way with FISHTEM and our cooperation has helped us achieve a lot in the fisheries sector. The team has beyond doubt proven to be devoted and diligent all the way.

Fisheries Specialist, Cameroon

Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta.

Vivam Pagna
Land Ltd.

Need help? Let us know your concern

The FISHTERM team has a devoted team of professionals in Fisheries science and Translation. Please feel free to contact us and share your concern. We will reply you as soon as we get your message..

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